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September 13, 2023


These COPD Foundation community members channeled their interests and
passions into raising funds and awareness for COPD. You can too!

Sarah Schmudde: Block Party

Sarah, an NTM patient and respiratory therapist-in-training who discovered the COPD Foundation while looking for information after her diagnosis, hosted “The Lemonade Stand.” She organized a party which featured a band, barbecue, and lemonade party for friends and family. She chose a party because it would be fun for both the busy adults in her life and interesting for her kids to participate in.

“People want to be good people, so you have to give people the opportunity to help others.”

Caroline Gainer: Pickleball Tournament

Caroline, a long-time patient advocate that has been living with COPD since 2013, discovered pickleball while working to stay in shape and manage the disease. She and two friends she made on the court teamed up to reserve a venue, gather sponsors, and spread the word. The tournament’s entry fee was a $20 donation to the COPD Foundation.

“It’s going to take some work, but it’s going to be worth it.”

Russell Winwood: Marathon

Russell, widely known as “The COPD Athlete”, has completed the New York, Boston, Gold Coast, and London marathons, all since being diagnosed with stage 4 COPD at age 45. In 2022, he completed the Chicago marathon as a fundraiser for the COPD Foundation.

“The best part of the event is that I get to meet people through the fundraising, and every race I’ve run I’ve gotten to connect with other patients on the course.”

Hayley Harrison: Shop for a Cause

Hayley, a high school student, was inspired to start a fundraiser in honor of her grandmother, who lives with COPD. She partnered with a local clothing boutique to build a “Shop for A Cause” event, where a portion of every sale during the event would support the COPD Foundation. She promoted the event on social media, and during the event she and her grandmother spoke to shoppers about living with COPD.

“I think it’s important to do something fun, in combination with giving educational resources and openly encouraging donations. You have to get people to get excited about your cause.”